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  • How to Lodge a Police Complaint in India? Two Methods

How to Lodge a Police Complaint in India? Two Methods

In India, you can lodge a police complaint through two main methods: filing an FIR (First Information Report) at the police station or using online platforms. Here's a brief overview of both methods:

Filing an FIR at the Police Station:

1.Visit the Nearest Police Station:

Go to the police station that has jurisdiction over the area where the incident occurred. If you're unsure about which police station to approach, you can visit any police station, and they will guide you.

2.Provide Information:

Speak to the duty officer or the station in-charge. Clearly describe the incident and provide all relevant details such as date, time, location, and names of involved parties if known.

3.FIR Registration:

The police will record your complaint and register an FIR. Make sure to ask for a copy of the FIR, as it is your right to have one.


Note down the FIR number and the officer's name. You may need to follow up with the police for updates on the investigation.

Online Method:

1.Visit the Online Police Complaint Portal:

Some states and cities in India have online platforms for filing police complaints. Check if your locality provides an online complaint registration system.

2.Fill in the Complaint Form:

Complete the online complaint form with accurate details. Ensure that you provide all necessary information and documentation.

Submit the Complaint:

Once the form is filled, submit it through the online portal. You may receive a reference number or acknowledgment for your complaint.


Keep track of your complaint status by using the reference number provided. Some platforms also allow you to download a copy of your online complaint.